Humans are naturally drawn to the underdog. The person who has overcome numerous obstacles to achieve great things. While these stories provide inspiration for many they are not the litmus test for truth. Case in Point: The recent debacle regarding Michael Caner. Many might know him as Ergun Mehmet Caner or Err-gunn Me-hee-ma Jen-na. Whatever one thinks of the veracity of his claims I must admire him for pulling off such a persuasive scheme. He and his brother, Emir, systematically used the attacks of 9/11 to bamboozle Christendom. Now this is not a great feat. After all Christendom is made up of a bunch of dumb Christians. Apparently Mike was a turban wearing al-qadia like terrorist-in-training who saw the light off the gospel and got rid of his suicide vest. At least that is the story he feeds his gullible christian fans. One problem: It is a hoax. A vast networks of lies spun together to dupe Christians. Look who has fallen for the scheme. Well-known christian broadcaster, John Ankerberg, who co-wrote a series of books with Emir, has issued the following statement:
I have known Ergun Caner for nearly a decade. I am disheartened by the recent attacks upon his integrity and character. I have interviewed Ergun for more than a dozen television shows and believe his personal testimony to be completely true. Otherwise, I would not have allowed him to broadcast his story to the millions of viewers that tune in to my program across the globe. Ergun and his brother, Emir, are men of God who have taken a valiant stand for the Lord, even costing them and their families their safety. For someone to attack Ergun’s selfless sacrifice, especially since they malign his character without any substantiation, is both unchristian and unbiblical. Count me among the many who will stand with Ergun Caner, knowing he stands for the Lord Jesus Christ. (emphasis mine)
Notice the absolute nature of the Ankerberg defence. Just research the details of the Caner Myth making and you will see that Ankerberg has now lost credibility. His material in many area are valuable by his lack of discernment regarding Mike Caner is breathtaking. Ankerberg than states that all the 'attacks' are 'without any substantiation.' Documented inconsistencies from the man himself, WOW. Ankerberg has his head in the sand. 'He stands for the Lord Jesus Christ." I do not doubt the Mike Caner had an encounter with Christ and he is a believer. What bothers me is how christian Leaders have come to the uncritical defense of a rank deceiver.
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