Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Continium of Curriculum

Current Course:

OT - Textual Studies in Ruth and Joshua and Judges
NT - Textual Studies in Revelation
Hebrew - The First Hebrew Primer (chapter 9)
Greek - A Primer of Biblical Greek (Took Greek nearly ten years ago. Doing a review)
Biblical Theology - Lectures from Covenant Seminary, Books: New Dictionary of Biblical Theology, Biblical Theology by Vos.
Ancient Church History - Lectures from Covenant Seminary, Book: The Story of Christianity, Ecclesiastical History by Eusebius, The Apostolic Fathers.
Judaism - Lectures - Crash Course in Jewish History (Ken Spiro), The idiots Guide to the Talmud, God in Search of Man, Our Father Abraham, Meet the Rabbis.
Writing Protocols - Audio Lectures and Notes from Columbia Theological Seminary. The best way to track course progress is to write a 10 to 15 page paper at the end of every course.
Already finished my course on Torah. Need to write a paper.
Have about seven course going at this moment. The first four courses will be recurring. I will always need to be engage in in depth textual biblical studies. This is the foundation of all seminary training. Also the Original language will need to be continually studies to ensure retention. I also continue to do SBR (Systematic Bible Reading) using M'chayne Calender. as of 9/9/10 I am right on schedule :) One must now lose the forest for the trees. It is important to always get a taste of the totality of the Word as well has focus on the small details. The meta-narrative of Scripture provide the interpretative grid for all the narrative and concepts in Scripture.

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